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FindYourFate  .  09 Dec 2023  .  3 mins read   .   85548

For Capricorns 2024 is going to be a year when responsibilities far outweigh your inherent ability thanks to the planet influences around. It starts with the fiery Mars entering your sign on the 4th of January. This makes you work harder but at times you might feel being stuck.

You would be having a New Moon in your sign on the 11th of January. This would be day that would be quite ideal to make some long-term commitments in life.

Then we have Mercury entering your sign on the 14th of January when your communications become clear and your thoughts get stabilized.

There is yet another major planet event in your sign during January and that would be the conjunction of Sun with Pluto on the 20th. This would bring about some radical changes in your personality.

Venus, the planet of romance gets into your sign on the 23rd of January. Venus’ ingress would pave way for a more mature approach towards your relationships.

After a hiatus of two months, the eclipse season starts. First there would be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in your 10th house of Libra on the 25th of March. This would bring you into the limelight. This is followed by a Solar Eclipse in your 4th house of Aries on the 8th of April when there would be some emotional upheaval around, be prepared to handle the same.

Capricorns would have a Full Moon in their sign on the 22nd of June. This day would be a time for self-appraisal and retrospection.

Then your Lord Saturn turns retrograde on the 29th of June in your 3rd house of Pisces. This might stall your communication and study ventures for the period.

A major planet ingress occurs on the 1st of September for the Capricorns, wherein Pluto would be entering their sign. This is likely to bring structural transformations in your life.

The second pair of eclipses are due by this time, with the first being a Partial Lunar Eclipse in your 3rd house of Pisces on the 18th September. An eclipse in one’s 3rd house would bring about some drama in your relationship with siblings and communications area.

This would be followed by yet another eclipse on the 2nd of October, which would be an Annular Solar Eclipse in your 10th house of Libra. This brings in changes in the career of the Capricorns.

The retrograde Pluto in Capricorn  turns direct in your sign on the 12th of October and this helps you to make amends to your path if you are not on the right one.

Venus would be once again entering your sign this year on the 11th of November when your approach towards relationships turns more mature.

On the 15th of November, your ruler Saturn that has been retrograde turns direct. Now Saturn slowly gains speed and brings about new changes on your way.

A major highlight for the Capricorns would be the entry of the Sun into their sign on the 21st of December heralding the Capricorn season. This would be a period of good yields for the natives.

Jupiter, the planet of prosperity transits through the 5th house for Capricorns till the 26th of May. This would be a transit that would confer fun and happiness for the natives. Then it moves to the 6th house of Gemini benefiting your health and work routines.

Saturn treads through your 3rd house of Pisces for the whole year ahead. This would be a favorable transit for the Capricorns when it changes the way you interact with people. Saturn would be in retrograde phase between June-end to mid-November. This makes you quite relaxed in life when compared to the disciplined approach that Saturn used to implement on you when direct. Use the retrograde period to heal wounds and spend quality time with family.

Uranus transits through the 5th house of Taurus along with Jupiter for the year 2024. This would bring about changes in your creative and love pursuits.

Neptune is through your 3rd house of Pisces all along with Saturn for the year ahead. This makes you to rely wholly on your intuition alone.

Pluto travels through your sign till the 20th of November 2024 and then shifts to Aquarius. It’s transit through your sign brings good insight in your personal life and makes others to value you. Its transit to your 2nd house of Aquarius redefines your approach towards money and material possessions.

You’re a capable, determined earth sign who takes life seriously, Capricorn. This year the planets around would influence you to lead a quite slow-paced life enjoying the goodness of life and at the same time places huge responsibilities on your shoulders.

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